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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Garlic?




can bearded dragons eat garlic, bearded dragon diet

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No, bearded dragons should not eat garlic. Garlic contains compounds that can be harmful to bearded dragons and may lead to health issues.

In this article, we will provide the do’s and don’ts, a detailed best practices section, a 5-step preparation guide, and answers to frequently asked questions about feeding bearded dragons. We’ll also discuss why garlic is not suitable for these reptiles and alternatives that are safe and nutritious.


  • Feed a variety of insects: Offer your bearded dragon a mix of live insects such as crickets, dubia roaches, and mealworms to provide essential protein and nutrients.
  • Include vegetables and greens: Incorporate a variety of vegetables and greens like collard greens, dandelion greens, and squash into their diet.
  • Add fruits occasionally: Offer fruits such as blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries sparingly as treats.
  • Provide calcium and vitamin supplements: Supplement their diet with calcium and vitamin D3 to support bone health and prevent metabolic bone disease.
  • Monitor food size: Ensure the food is appropriately sized for your bearded dragon, with no items larger than the space between their eyes.


  • Avoid garlic and onions: These contain compounds that can be toxic to bearded dragons and may cause health issues.
  • Steer clear of avocado, rhubarb, and raw meat: These foods are harmful to bearded dragons and should not be included in their diet.
  • Limit high-oxalate vegetables: Foods high in oxalates, like spinach and beet greens, should be fed sparingly as they can inhibit calcium absorption.
  • Don’t overfeed: Overfeeding can lead to obesity and other health problems. Monitor your bearded dragon’s weight and adjust their diet accordingly.
  • Avoid high-fat insects: Insects like waxworms and butterworms are high in fat and should only be offered as occasional treats.

Best Practices for Feeding Garlic to Bearded Dragons

Following best practices when feeding your bearded dragon will ensure their safety and overall health. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Establish a feeding schedule based on age: Young bearded dragons require more frequent feedings, with 2-3 times daily for hatchlings up to 2 months old, and twice daily for dragons aged 2-4 months. Bearded dragons between 4-12 months can be fed once daily, while adult dragons (over 12 months) can be fed once every 1-2 days.
  2. Provide fresh water daily in a shallow dish: Ensure your bearded dragon has access to clean, fresh water at all times. Use a shallow dish that allows them to drink easily without risk of drowning. Clean and refill the dish daily to prevent bacterial growth.
  3. Wash produce thoroughly and cut into appropriate sizes: Rinse fruits and vegetables well before feeding to remove any pesticides or contaminants. Cut them into bite-sized pieces, no larger than the space between your bearded dragon’s eyes, to prevent choking hazards.
  4. Gut-load insects before feeding: Feed insects a nutritious diet for 24-48 hours before offering them to your bearded dragon. This process, known as gut-loading, ensures that the insects are full of essential nutrients that will benefit your pet.
  5. Dust insects with supplements: Lightly coat insects with calcium powder (with or without vitamin D3) every other feeding for adults and every feeding for juveniles. Additionally, dust insects with a multivitamin supplement once a week for adults and twice a week for juveniles.
  6. Rotate food items for variety and balance: Regularly change the types of insects, vegetables, and fruits you offer to ensure a balanced diet and prevent boredom. A diverse diet will provide a broader range of nutrients for your bearded dragon.
  7. Offer food at the appropriate temperature: Bearded dragons are more likely to eat when they are warm. Ensure your pet has been basking and is at an optimal body temperature before offering food.
  8. Remove uneaten food promptly: To maintain cleanliness and prevent the growth of bacteria, remove any uneaten food from the enclosure after a few hours.
  9. Observe your bearded dragon’s eating habits and adjust as needed: Regularly monitor their food intake, preferences, and weight. If your bearded dragon seems uninterested in certain foods, try offering new options. Adjust the diet based on your bearded dragon’s age, activity level, and overall health.
  10. Consult with a reptile veterinarian for guidance: If you have concerns about your bearded dragon’s diet, growth, or health, consult with a qualified reptile veterinarian. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your pet’s unique needs.

Step-by-Step Guide to preparing food for Your Bearded Dragon

Step 1

Gather ingredients: Choose a variety of insects, vegetables, and fruits suitable for your bearded dragon.

Step 2

Wash and chop produce: Rinse vegetables and fruits thoroughly, then chop them into bite-sized pieces.

Step 3

Dust insects with supplements: Lightly coat insects with calcium and vitamin D3 powder before feeding.

Step 4

Combine food items: Mix insects, vegetables, and fruits together in a shallow dish or directly on the floor of the enclosure.

Step 5

Serve the meal: Place the dish in the enclosure or offer the food to your bearded dragon using feeding tongs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why can’t bearded dragons eat garlic?

Garlic contains compounds like thiosulphate and allicin, which can be toxic to bearded dragons. These compounds can cause digestive upset and may lead to anemia or other health issues.

What should be the primary source of nutrition for bearded dragons?

The primary source of nutrition for bearded dragons should be a mix of live insects and a variety of vegetables and greens. Insects provide protein and nutrients, while vegetables and greens offer essential vitamins and minerals.

Can bearded dragons eat other types of spices or herbs?

Some herbs like basil, parsley, and cilantro can be safely fed to bearded dragons in moderation. However, it’s best to avoid feeding your bearded dragon any spices, as they may contain compounds that are harmful to their health.

How often should I feed my bearded dragon?

The feeding frequency depends on the age of your bearded dragon. Young dragons should be fed multiple times a day, while adult dragons can be fed once or twice a day.

How can I tell if my bearded dragon is getting the right nutrients?

Regularly monitor your bearded dragon’s weight, growth, and overall health. A well-nourished dragon will have a healthy appetite, clear eyes, and a strong, alert demeanor. Consult with a reptile veterinarian if you have concerns about your bearded dragon’s diet or health.

Conclusion and final thoughts 💭

Proper nutrition is crucial for the health and well-being of your bearded dragon. While garlic should not be included in their diet, offering a variety of insects, vegetables, and greens will ensure they receive the necessary nutrients.

By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you can provide your bearded dragon with a balanced and healthy diet that supports their growth and overall health.

Looking for more? Here’s our roadmap:

General Bearded Dragon Pet Owners Guide

Regular interaction and observation of your bearded dragon are vital for maintaining their well-being. Handling your pet gently and frequently can help build trust and strengthen your bond. Monitor your bearded dragon’s behavior, appetite, and overall health to detect any potential issues early on. If you notice any signs of illness, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or irregular bowel movements, consult a reptile specialist or veterinarian for guidance. Proper care, feeding, and attention will ensure your bearded dragon remains a happy and healthy companion for years to come.

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