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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mushrooms?




can bearded dragons eat mushrooms, bearded dragon diet

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Yes, bearded dragons can eat mushrooms, but only in small amounts as an occasional treat. A portion size of around a teaspoon, chopped into small pieces, is appropriate for most adult bearded dragons.

While bearded dragons can eat a variety of fruits and veggies, there’s often a question about certain food items, such as mushrooms. This article will provide the do’s and don’ts. Learn about bearded dragon care, a step-by-step preparation guide, and find answers to frequently asked questions.


  • Do Feed Mushrooms Sparingly: Mushrooms should be an occasional treat and not a staple in your bearded dragon’s diet.
  • Do Chop Them Small: The mushrooms should be chopped into pieces that your bearded dragon can easily consume to prevent choking hazards.
  • Do Wash Thoroughly: Always ensure you wash mushrooms thoroughly to remove any pesticides or contaminants that could harm your pet.


  • Don’t Overfeed Mushrooms: Too many mushrooms can cause digestive issues due to their high fiber content.
  • Don’t Feed Wild Mushrooms: Avoid feeding your bearded dragon wild mushrooms, as some varieties can be toxic.
  • Don’t Substitute for Staple Foods: Mushrooms are not a replacement for the staple foods in your bearded dragon’s diet, such as leafy greens and insects.

Best Practices for Feeding Mushrooms to Bearded Dragons

Following best practices when feeding your bearded dragon will ensure their safety and overall health. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Maintain a Varied Diet: Bearded dragons thrive on a varied diet, which should primarily consist of insects, leafy greens, and vegetables. Mushrooms can add some variety, but should be provided sparingly and in small quantities.
  2. Ensure Freshness: Only offer fresh, store-bought mushrooms to your bearded dragon. Old or spoiled mushrooms can be harmful, leading to potential health issues such as upset stomach or food poisoning. Check for signs of freshness such as firmness and a lack of dark spots or a slimy surface.
  3. Wash Thoroughly: It’s crucial to wash any produce, including mushrooms, before feeding them to your bearded dragon. This helps remove potential pesticides, dirt, or other contaminants that could be harmful to your pet.
  4. Chop Appropriately: Cut the mushrooms into small, bite-sized pieces that your bearded dragon can easily consume. This reduces the risk of choking and makes it easier for your pet to digest the food.
  5. Monitor Your Bearded Dragon: Whenever you introduce a new food item into your bearded dragon’s diet, watch for any signs of adverse reactions. Symptoms to look out for include changes in appetite, behavior, or bowel movements. If you notice any of these signs after feeding mushrooms, contact your vet immediately.
  6. Avoid Overfeeding: Even if your bearded dragon appears to enjoy mushrooms, avoid the temptation to overfeed them. Too many mushrooms can lead to a nutritional imbalance and potential digestive issues due to their high fiber content.
  7. Consult a Vet: If you’re ever unsure about introducing a new food item into your bearded dragon’s diet, consult with a vet or a pet nutrition expert. They can provide guidance based on the specific needs and health condition of your pet.
  8. Avoid Seasoning: Bearded dragons should only consume plain, raw mushrooms. Do not cook or season the mushrooms, as spices and cooking oils can be harmful to your pet.
  9. Rotate Food Items: Along with variety, it’s also important to rotate different food items in your bearded dragon’s diet. This not only ensures they’re getting a range of nutrients, but it can also prevent your pet from becoming picky with their food.

Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing Mushrooms for Your Bearded Dragon

Step 1

Purchase Fresh Mushrooms: Buy fresh mushrooms from a reliable grocery store. Avoid wild mushrooms, as they can be toxic.

Step 2

Clean Thoroughly: Rinse the mushrooms under cool water to remove any pesticides or dirt.

Step 3

Chop Appropriately: Cut the mushrooms into small, bite-sized pieces suitable for your bearded dragon.

Step 4

Serve Sparingly: Serve the chopped mushrooms to your bearded dragon, but remember to keep the portion size small.

Step 5

Monitor Consumption: Watch your bearded dragon eat to ensure they can consume the mushrooms easily and monitor for any adverse reactions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are mushrooms a staple food for bearded dragons?

No, mushrooms are not a staple food in a bearded dragon’s diet. These reptiles primarily eat a mix of insects, such as crickets and mealworms, and leafy greens like kale or collard greens. While they can enjoy mushrooms, they should only be given as a small, occasional treat. Overfeeding mushrooms may lead to nutritional imbalances and digestive issues due to their high fiber content.

What type of mushrooms can I feed my bearded dragon?

When feeding mushrooms to your bearded dragon, it’s safe to stick to common, store-bought varieties such as white button or portobello mushrooms. These are generally safe for bearded dragons when fed in moderation. Wild mushrooms should be avoided, as some varieties can be toxic, and it can be challenging to distinguish between safe and unsafe types.

Can bearded dragons eat cooked mushrooms?

Bearded dragons should ideally be fed raw mushrooms. Cooking can deplete the nutritional value of the mushrooms and may introduce unhealthy elements such as oils, spices, or seasoning, which are not safe for your bearded dragon. If you must cook the mushrooms, ensure they are cooked plain, without any additives.

What do I do if my bearded dragon reacts negatively to mushrooms?

If your bearded dragon shows signs of distress or illness after eating mushrooms, it’s crucial to contact your vet immediately. Symptoms may include a loss of appetite, lethargy, changes in bowel movements, or signs of discomfort. It might be that your bearded dragon has a sensitivity to mushrooms or that they ate too much at once. Your vet can provide the best course of action for your pet’s health.

Can I feed my bearded dragon mushrooms every day?

No, it’s not recommended to feed your bearded dragon mushrooms every day. While mushrooms aren’t harmful in small amounts, they shouldn’t make up a large part of your bearded dragon’s diet due to their high fiber content and relative lack of other necessary nutrients. Stick to feeding mushrooms as an occasional treat.

What is the correct portion size of mushrooms for my bearded dragon?

Portion size depends on the size of your bearded dragon, but a general guideline would be a teaspoon of chopped mushrooms for an adult bearded dragon. This small serving size helps ensure that mushrooms do not displace other, more nutritionally beneficial foods in your bearded dragon’s diet.

Are there any benefits of feeding mushrooms to my bearded dragon?

While mushrooms don’t provide many of the key nutrients that bearded dragons need, they can offer variety to your pet’s diet, which can stimulate their appetite and interest in food. They also contain fiber, which can aid in digestion when offered in appropriate amounts.

Is it safe to feed my bearded dragon other types of fungi?

As a general rule, it’s safest to stick to common, store-bought mushrooms when introducing fungi into your bearded dragon’s diet. Some fungi can be toxic to bearded dragons, and it’s often difficult to distinguish safe from harmful varieties. Always do your research and consult with a vet or a pet nutrition expert.

What other vegetables can bearded dragons eat?

Bearded dragons thrive on a varied diet. Other safe vegetables include bell peppers, zucchini, peas, butternut squash, and green beans. Leafy greens like kale, mustard greens, and collard greens should form a significant part of their vegetable intake. Fruit can also be included but should make up a smaller proportion of their diet.

Conclusion and final thoughts 💭

When it comes to feeding your bearded dragon, always prioritize their health and safety. While they can enjoy a small serving of mushrooms, remember that it should be an occasional treat, not a main part of their diet.

Always monitor your pet after introducing any new food to their diet, and don’t hesitate to seek veterinary advice if you notice any changes in their behavior or health. With a balanced and varied diet, your bearded dragon can thrive and live a healthy, happy life.

Looking for more? Here’s our roadmap:

General Bearded Dragon Pet Owners Guide

Regular interaction and observation of your bearded dragon are vital for maintaining their well-being. Handling your pet gently and frequently can help build trust and strengthen your bond. Monitor your bearded dragon’s behavior, appetite, and overall health to detect any potential issues early on. If you notice any signs of illness, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or irregular bowel movements, consult a reptile specialist or veterinarian for guidance. Proper care, feeding, and attention will ensure your bearded dragon remains a happy and healthy companion for years to come.

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